Friday, December 30, 2011

i would like repost some of my favorite photos in 2011. "DANGEROUS LINE" it was taken at tanah abang station. before i took it, i looked at him far from me and walk on the side of the railway... then i heard the sound of announcement that there was going

i would like repost some of my favorite photos in 2011. "RINA=RINI, the twin who lives in the wagon" i saw them sometimes, before i took this shot because i want a closer shot so i wait till the right moment to do that.i have some shots, but i prefer this

i would like repost some of my favorite photos in 2011. "BEING IGNORED" this photo was taken in my hometown Surabaya.

i would like repost some of my favorite photos in 2011. "JOURNEY COMPANION" i took this shot at tanah abang station. it was during Ramadhan/fasting month, they prepared that bottles in case they had to break fasting while on the train.

i would like repost some of my favorite photos in 2011. "BOTH SIDE OF STORY" i took it at tanah abang station. i saw them in front of me. they were in the same gesture and i saw the contrast of them.

kata iwan fals, kereta terlambat 2 jam mungkin biasa